
Think Before Buying Your Jewelry From A Mall

Think Before Buying Your Jewelry From A Mall

The issue with purchasing a piece of jewelry from a volume driving mall location is all of these items are mass produced, and the focus on creating these pieces is...

Can You Trust Your Jeweler?

Can You Trust Your Jeweler?

  You have been shopping with the same jewelry for many years, perhaps they are a friend of the family or someone in your family recommended them. However can you...

How To Clean Your Fine Jewelry At Home

How to care and clean your jewelry.     We all know that diamonds are our best friends, best or not but they make us happy. From the moment we...

Repurposing Old Jewelry and Diamond Information

Repurposing Old Jewelry and Diamond Information

Repurposing and making something old to new. Everyone has heard of “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” on a bride’s wedding day to bring good luck. We are...